My First Time Cross Country Bike : Cihuni Track

This is the first time I joined a cross country bike. On Sunday 29 March 2009, I joined a cross country bike tour to Cihuni track. We started biking from Patagonia cluster in De Latinos housing complex in Bumi Serpong Damai, Banten Province. Tjahjo Pramono is a friend of mine who offered me to join this tour. Tjahjo live in Patagonia cluster.We started from Patagonia cluster around 8.30 in the morning. We were four biker ( cyclist ) when we started, they were myself, Tjahjo, Erwin and Teguh Sutoro. Teguh was an excelent bicycle mechanic. He was good enough to help me to tune my bicycle gear, so it became ready for the tour.From De Latinos we drove to the Green Cove construction area. The country area was Lengkong Kulon, Pagedangan Sub-district area ( Kecamatan ) , then we entered the country area. of Cihuni. During the trip two guys from Kalideres, Saepudin and Yadi joined us, so we were six in a group.

Left to right : Arif Wibowo, Yadi, Teguh ( the mechanic ), Tjahjo and Saepudin.

I remember this is the first stop we took for a rest. You see myself with big smile, actually I was justrecovered from being almost fainted and lost power for not enough oxygen after climbed a hill.

This is again myself with a big smile at the second stop. When I reached this stop, I just threw my bicycle to the grass and I laid my body down on the ground. I felt my stomach very uncomfortable and I looked for a toilet but I could not find any.
Here we came to the small lake. I was with Yadi.

Tjahjo took a group photograph in a framing composition. Thanks Tjahjo. it was a good job of photography.
Left to right : Saepudin, Arif Wibowo, Tjahjo, Yadi, Erwin.
We took group photo by the lake. We always have a big smile during the trip because every time after we almost lost of oxigen because our lung became bigger and very active to inhale oxygen, it made us very confortable and high confidence. Our mind was filled with cheerful feeing.
This the last stop in the country side before we entered back to the city area. This is cafe that the biker called the Warung Aat. It is very famous among the Cihuni biker community. The favorit beverage here is hot sweet ginger tea. We arrived here at around 11.30. When we arrived back to the De Latinos, I checked my GPS, we have finished a total of 28 KMs of on-road, off-road and cross country track. This is the first time I did cross
country bike and I will comeback again.

Pemilihan Caleg Ditentukan Oleh Suara Terbanyak

Mahkamah Konstitusi sudah menentukan bahwa penentuan
terpilhnya seseorang caleg menjadi anggota legislatif adalah berdasarkan suara terbanyak. Ini hal baru yang berbeda denagan penngertian demokrasi

Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi ini bisa menyebabkan : 1) mereduksi peran partai politik , 2) melemahkan kualitas keputusan yang dihasilkan oleh proses demokrasi. 3)  persaingan yang tak sehat antar caleg dalam partai. 4) melanggar ketentuan quota  keterwakilan perempuan dan kaum minoritas.

Suara terbanyak belum tentu memberikan manfaat terbaik bagi Indonesia. Suara terbanyak akan memberikan kepuasan pada masyarakat mayoritas tetapi belum tentu memberikan jawaban terbaik atas masalah bangsa.

Mungkin fatwa Mahkamah Konstitusi ini dipicu oleh pengalaman buruk perilaku partai-partai di masa Orde Baru yang menyalah gunakan hak prerogatif partai dalam menentukan calon-calon yang terbaik. Di masa lalu penentuan nomor urut jadi para caleg rawan dengan kolusi dan nepotisme sehingga rakyat muak dengan permainan partai politik.

Kembali disini dituntut tanggung jawab moral dari partai politik. Tetapi sebaiknya bangsa Indonesia tidak emosional terhadap kelemahan sistem lama yang disalahgunakan oleh partai politik. Karena sistem yang baru dimana penentuan terpilihnya calon legislatif berdasarkan suara terbanyak akan menyebabkan malapetaka prinsipiil yang lebih berbahaya daripada manipulasi partai politik dalam menentukan nomor jadi. Taruhannya adalah keutuhan NKRI, keberlangsungan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika ( kemajemukan bangsa ).